The Bald Soprano

A stylizing exercise made in cooperation with Casper Langelund Jensen at DMJX, for one of the theatrical pieces at Teater Grob.

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A chevron


The theatrical piece of The Bald Soprano weaves a story of absurd confusion. Most pieces would at least have a beginning and an end. However, in this story most common sense is thrown out of the window, leaving room for the viewers imagination.

How? What? Why? When? No question is rightly answered in this play, which we used as the basis of this thematic branding. Using a digital medium as another layer of communication. Strips away the small nuances of a spoken dialogue.

We hide our true selves behind the comfort of emojis, snaps and whatever extension of the written word we can find. Making a compelling case for speaking past each other.

An image of an abstract poster
An image of an abstract flyer


As a fun advertisement experience, we devised a simple google ads banner that reacts to your mouse pointer.

Taking it a step further, we thought it would be an interesting step towards word-of-mouth marketing to have your tickets customized the same way the ad banner lets you scribble away.

An image of abstract theater tickets

Want some more? Here's a few of my other projects